Out of many, One People under God’s Kingdom Donate Now
"On earth as it is in heaven" - Everything changes and transformation takes place. (Matthew 6:33) Donate Now
Out of many, One People under God’s Kingdom Donate Now

Life's most important adventure - freedom.

"When the Kingdom of God is placed first, the equitable distribution of wealth, ecological concerns, the poor, simplicity, and all things necessary will be given their proper attention."

Richard Foster - Freedom of Simplicity.

Family & Community Kingdom Programs

Support to families, children, young people, and other individuals with special circumstances.

Make a Difference

Our Missions.

Support People in Extreme Need

Our promise that your giving is doing what it’s supposed to - changing lives.

Our Vision Statement

Out of Many, One People under God’s Kingdom

Our Objectives

To bring healing and recovery to those who are sick and in need of support and care

To bring ultimate Glory to God

Committed to Transparency

100% of our total operating expenses fund programs for children in the countries we serve. So when you make a monthly gift or donation to our organization, all of your funds go toward exactly what you intended – supporting children and families in need.

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